1. The purpose of this club shall be:
1.1 To promote good sportsmanship and camaraderie.
1.2 To hold meetings and tournaments.
1.3 To exchange ideas and techniques to improve the fishing skills of the club overall.
1.4 To promote conservation in bass fishing and emphasize the principle of “Release Your Catch”.
2. The club shall be known as “Orange County Bass Club”.
3. The club officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Master at Arms.
They shall be known as the Executive Committee.
4. Elections will be held at the November meeting each year. Eligibility requires an individual to be an active club member for at least two months. No two members of the same family or relation may hold office during the same term.
5. Terms of office shall become effective December 1st and run through November 30th of the following year.
6. It is the duty of the old officers to finalize current year’s business and familiarize new officers with any pertinent information.
7. At the beginning of each year the Orange County Bass Club will donate a check in an appropriate amount to the Garden Grove Elk’s Lodge in return for use of the Lodge for club functions.
8. Changes to By-Laws may be proposed at meetings and must be ratified by a minimum of 12 members present. All changes that are passed are to be maintained in a separate record by the Secretary. The outgoing Secretary shall update the By-Laws incorporating any changes made during the year and distribute the updated By-laws to the members.
9. The Orange County Bass Club and Executive Committee are waived and released from all claims for injury and/or damage incurred in connection with any club event.
1. Members must hold a valid fishing license in the state being fished if required by law.
2. Only paid members may fish in a club tournament and participate for awards, cash and points.
3. Only members may vote on official business including nomination of and voting for lake selection.
4. Any member may be dropped from the club for any of the following reasons:
4.1 Missing three (3) consecutive meetings and tournaments.
4.2 Any action of disgrace or dishonesty in relation to the sport of bass fishing or the Orange County Bass Club.
5. A member may be voted out of the club by a majority vote of the membership.
6. Prospective members are required to attend a meeting before joining the club and participating for points and placing in tournaments.
1. Membership fees shall be $50.00 per year.
2. Dues are non-transferable.
3. Membership dues and tournament fees must be paid before fishing in a tournament.
4. Dues for membership and/or tournaments are non-refundable. Paid members will not receive money back or have it transferred to another tournament except for circumstances deemed as “extreme” by vote of the Executive Committee.
1. President – Shall conduct meetings and schedule guest speakers. Shall delegate jobs to other officers. Shall have published a monthly newsletter. Shall call for executive meetings when necessary. If an office becomes vacant, a special election will be called for unless vacancy occurs after August meeting, in which case the President shall appoint an officer to complete the term in question.
2. Vice President – Shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President. Shall act as Weighmaster at tournaments and is responsible for transporting scales and weigh-in slips to tournaments.
3. Secretary – Shall keep and maintain notes of all club business at meetings and Executive Committee meetings. Shall maintain and update club roster and by-laws. Shall handle club mailings and send thank you notes to speakers and organizations donating materials to the club.
4. Treasurer – Shall keep and maintain records of all club monies. Shall handle all club money and should document and receipt all transactions. Shall manage the club checking account. Shall purchase club awards.
5. Master at Arms – Shall be responsible for cleanliness and security at meetings. Shall distribute and pick up voting ballots at meetings. May purchase raffle prizes and conduct raffle.
6. No single officer shall have the authority to make significant decisions without the approval of the majority of the Executive Committee. (Example: Change of lakes, disqualifying a member at a tournament.)
1. In the event the Orange County Bass Club ceases to exist for any reason, it is the duty of the existing officers to pay existing debts and distribute any remaining funds to all active members based on amounts deemed fair with regard to the member’s seniority.
1. Number and Type of Tournaments:
Club members will vote annually on the tournament locations, as well as the number of one-day and two-day tournaments to be held during the year.
1.1 A member’s best nine tournaments, January through October, shall be used to determine year-end ranking.
1.2. A two-day Tournament of Champions (TOC) shall be held after the October tournament.
1.3. Examples: Five (5) one-day tournaments and five (5) two-day tournaments
Six (6) one-day tournaments and four (4) two- day tournaments.
2. Tournament Schedule and Lake Selection:
2.1. Shall be set by the Executive Committee and presented to the club at a meeting prior to or by the December meeting.
2.2. By ruling of the Executive Committee for reasons of safety, the lake site can change.
2.3. Lake site marina will be set by the Tournament Director
2.4. All regular Monthly Tournaments will generally be scheduled on the first weekend of each month, except for March, which will be held on the second weekend in order to accommodate those members who work the Fred Hall Show. Unless otherwise specified (to avoid a conflict with ABA etc.).
3. Tournament Entry Fees:
3.1. Entry fees will be $50.00 per tournament.
3.2. Entry fee distribution is as follows:
3.2 A $24.00 Tournament Payback Fund.
3.2 B $10.00 Tournament of Champions Fund.
3.2 C $10.00 General Fund.
Each tournament may have an optional $5.00 per day Big Bass Pot. The big bass pot shall be separate and in addition to the tournament entry fee and must be paid prior to the tournament.
3. The Vice President fishes free due to the work in handling the scales.
4. The reigning Angler of the Year fishes the year free.
4. Tournament Event Scoring System: (Points will be awarded as follows:)
5 Points: Tournament Participation
20 Points: 1stPlace Total Weight
19 Points: 2nd Place Total Weight
18 Points: 3rd Place Total Weight
17 Points: 4th Place Total Weight (5th=16, 6th=15, etc… to 20th= 1 point)
1 Point: Each Live Release
2 Points: Tournament Big Bass
5. Tournament Event Cash and Award System:
1st Place Total Weight 50% Tournament Fund.
2nd Place Total Weight 30% Tournament Fund.
3rd Place Total Weight 20% Tournament Fund.
(1) Tournament Fund Payback and distribution shall come from amount collected from entry fees for that tournament.
6. Orange County Bass Club Records:
Biggest Bass: John Demonet / Silverwood / June 2001 / 13.75 lbs.
Total Weight One-Day Tournament: John Demonet / San Vicente /August 2002 / 27.25 lbs.
Total Weight Two-Day Tournament: Wil Hogue / Clear Lake / September 2016 / 50.35 lbs.
1. All Tournament Rules. It is your responsibility as a participant to read and comply with all the written tournament rules and know any special tournament rules, along with local, state or federal lake rules and regulations.
2. Sportsmanship. The laws of good judgement and sportsmanship will be adhered to at all times. Any contestant who displays poor sportsmanship and/or violates any of these rules will be disqualified. Disorderly conduct or the use of obscene language or gestures is forbidden prior to and after the event in and around the host arena or lodging/camping area and will be grounds for disqualification.
3. Participation & Eligibility. You must be a member in good standing and 18 years of age or older. Club member’s children under 18 years of age are eligible to join and participate in tournaments, if:
(3.1) A member participates in the tournament
(3.2) A medical release for youth is furnished
A club member’s family that isn’t an OCBC member may participate in club tournaments, but is not eligible for awards, cash or points. There are no restrictions as to race, gender, color or creed. For one-day or two-day “draw” tournaments, a member must either enter the tournament at the meeting prior to the draw or contact a member prior to the meeting and inform the club their wishes to fish the tournament.
4. Safety. Safe boating conduct and all safety precautions must be observed at all times by all contestants. All contestants must wear and have properly fastened a Coast Guard approved life jacket any time the main engine is running. All electric ignition motors must be equipped with an emergency motor “kill switch” device. Any boat found unsafe or anyone found operating a boat in an unsafe manner may be disqualified from the tournament based on a vote of the attending Executive Committee. In an emergency, or when safety dictates, fishermen may take their catch, get into another boat, and return to the weigh-in site.
5. Fishing License. Each contestant will observe state fish and game laws and have in his/her possession a
valid and current fishing license governing the fishable waters for the event.
6. Insurance & Liability. It is the sole responsibility of the contestant/boat owner to have in effect adequate PLPD insurance that covers the boat owner and any passengers. Damages of any kind to a contestant’s equipment, tackle or boat during an OCBC sponsored event is the responsibility of the individual.
7. Beverages. No alcohol/narcotics are allowed in the boats or to be consumed during official tournament hours. This includes, all time consumed in the process of same day split weigh-ins. If violated the guilty
party(s) will be disqualified for that tournament.
8. Boat & Motor. The tournament director reserves the right to prohibit any boat from participating in the tournament if such boat is considered unsafe or the operator unqualified. Boats must meet all local, state, federal and Coast Guard requirements. All boats must be equipped with an aerated live well or live box.
9. Permitted Fishing Methods. Only artificial lures may be used. Live bait, cut or prepared baits, other than pork rind or deer hide (dry rind) is prohibited. All fishing must be accomplished with rod and reel combination, with rods not to exceed eight (8) feet in length. Only one rod may be in use at one time. However, any number of rigged rods may be in the boat for substitute purposes. Trolling, either by use of the electric motor or outboard is prohibited. All fishing must be done from a boat. The use of marker buoys is permitted.
10. Registration. All tournaments will require a non-refundable prepayment of entry fees. Deadline for sign-up without penalty is by the meeting prior to that tournament. Members unable to attend the meeting can convey their participation intent through another member or by calling a member of the Executive Committee. Their name will go into the draw, if appropriate for that tournament. Your fees must be in the
Treasurer’s hands no later than the Monday prior to the tournament.
11. Late Entries. Members who have not declared their tournament participation intent at the meeting can still fish the tournament as long as they have their participation fees in the Treasurer’s hands by the deadline. This will be considered a late entry and he/she will be assessed a $10.00 late fee. All late fees will be deposited into the general fund.
12. Boat Inspection. Boats may be inspected prior to launching by the Tournament Director.
13. Partner Pairing. For all “draw” tournaments partners will be drawn boater to non-boater at the club meeting prior to that tournament. For a two-day tournament it will be a “pick your partner” arrangement. Members may not team up with the same partner on two consecutive two-day tournaments. When two boaters are drawn together for a one-day tournament, the boater drawn second will have the option of back-seating as drawn or using his own boat and going last out each day. (This option should only be exercised in the event they cannot come to an equitable solution.) Should a two-day tournament be designated as a “draw” tournament, boaters not drawn with a non-boater may take their own boat, but shall be available as alternates in order of their draw if another club member should need a ride. Each contestant has the right to choose the fishing area, method of fishing and type of fishing for one-half of the fishing day. The non-boater may operate the trolling motor at the option and discretion of the boat owner. Anyone found deliberately operating a boat in a manner which handicaps his partner’s efforts may be disqualified from the tournament.
14. Expenses. Boat operation and travel expenses will be shared on a 50/50 basis unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon. When a member makes a verbal commitment to fish a tournament and the member fails to participate, he/she will still be required to pay one-half of the boater’s expenses. The member will be restricted from fishing any tournaments until he/she has paid for the missed tournament.
If by the third tournament, which includes the tournament missed, the member has not paid the required fees, he/she will be ejected from the club. The Executive Committee shall review extenuating circumstances.
15. Reserved Areas. No person may hold or reserve a fishing area for another contestant at any time.
Infraction of this rule will result in disqualification of all parties involved.
16. Lake Off-Limits. No contestant shall be on the waters of any tournament lake during the designated off-limits period. There is no pre-fishing on the day of the tournament, and the lake is off-limits on tournament days, except during tournament hours. Pre-fishing is allowed up until the day of the tournament.
17. Protests. Any protest must be submitted no later than 30 minutes after the weigh-in each day. The Executive Committee shall review protests or possible discrepancies of official club rules. All decisions of the Executive Committee shall be final.
18. Live Release. The Executive Committee will make the final decision whether the fish in the live well will be a “live release” at the time of presenting the fish to the scales. Their decision will stand regardless of the Fish and Game or other authorities.
19. Fish Size & Limits. Unless otherwise specified due to state or local laws, qualifying fish must be at least 12 inches in length measured on a “Will-E-Go Flat Board” with mouth closed. The tail may be pinched or swished in an effort to meet the size limit. No more than five bass per person will be presented to the Weighmaster. Culling during the tournament hours is permitted to upgrade a catch. Only live fish may be culled.
20. Penalties. Contestants who have not checked in at the official checkpoint on time will be disqualified. Boat or motor problems are not an excuse for tardiness. Anyone bringing a fish to the scales smaller than the minimum size length shall have the short fish weighed separately and that weight shall be subtracted from the remaining total weight of fish for the tournament. Should any member bring only one (1) fish to the scales during any given tournament, and that one fish is found to be less than the club minimum length for that tournament, he/she shall be penalized five (5) points from their yearly point standings. Anyone presenting more than five (5) fish to the scales shall have his/her count culled down to five fish beginning with the largest fish and continuing until reaching five fish. The culled fish shall be deducted from the weight of the remaining five (5) fish.
21. Ties. In the event of ties the largest single bass will determine the winner.
22. Fishing Hours. Fishing hours will be announced prior to each tournament.
23. Lake Violation. Violations during tournament hours resulting in a ticket will disqualify that member for that day. Any member receiving his/her second violation during the tournament season will have their membership voted upon at the following club meeting.
24. Permitted Fishing Areas. Fishing is permitted within the areas of marina docks, launching ramps, etc., unless restricted by lake regulations. Ineligible waters shall be determined on site by the Tournament Director. Lake speed limits and regulations will be obeyed. A contestant may not move within 50 yards (approximately eight end-to-end boat lengths) of a boat that is drift fishing or working an area with an electric motor and claim that area by anchoring. All contestants must leave and return to the tournament headquarters dock by boat. No fishing will be permitted within 50 feet of another tournament boat. Boats cannot be trailered from one fishing location to another during tournament hours.
25. Starting Positions. Each tournament will have a draw for starting position. In the case of two-day tournaments the starting positions will be in reverse order the second day. Late boater sign-ups shall be last off each tournament day in order of the date their entry fee was received. The reigning “Angler of the Year” shall be first off each tournament day.
26. Special Rules. The Tournament Director may add specific rules when necessary. These special rules will be in effect for the length of the tournament and should not be considered a regular rule, but will be announced and enforced as such. Interpretation of all rules will be left exclusively to the Executive Committee whose decision shall be final in all matters.
27. Pre-fishing.Pre-fishing is permitted on all preceding days before one and two day tournaments (including Fridays).
28. Tournament Scheduling.
1. "Angler of the Year" Will be determined after the October tournament based on total points. The Angler of the Year fishes all club tournaments free for the following year. In addition, he/she will receive a plaque or other appropriate award. As reigning Angler of the Year he/she shall have the honor of being first-off each tournament day.
2. 2ndPlace Award. The person with the second highest point total after the October tournament will receive a plaque in recognition of their finish.
3. 3rdPlace Award. The person with the third highest point total after the October tournament will receive a plaque in recognition of their finish.
4. Co-Angler of the Year. Will be determined after the October tournament based on total points. A plaque shall be awarded in recognition of their finish. Qualifying co-anglers must fish a minimum of five (5) tournaments from the back seat of the boat.
5. Most Improved Angler Award. The Executive Committee may select the most improved angler fishing a minimum of seven (7) tournaments during the year. They will receive a plaque in recognition of their achievement. This award shall be given only at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
6. Miscellaneous Awards. Plaques will be given at the end of each year to member for the following categories:· Big Bass for the Year· Largest Total One-Day Tournament Weight for the Year· Largest Total Two-day Tournament Weight for the Year.
7. Tournament of Champions (TOC). Event will be held after the October tournament. It will be a non-fee two-day tournament consisting of the 10 highest club point scorers in descending order. In addition,
(1) A member winning a tournament, or (2) Records the largest tournament fish of the year, and fishes a minimum of five (5) tournaments during the year qualifies. Contestants are required to net their own fish during the event. Qualifying non-boaters will be drawn to a different boater for each tournament day. Unless the number of non-boaters dictates otherwise, a boater will be eliminated from drawing a non-boater two consecutive days. The boater has 100% control of the boat, and the non-boater is exempt from paying any boating expenses for that day. Contestants will fish for cash accumulated in the TOC fund.
The TOC fund distribution and awards shall be as follows:
40% 1st Place Finish & Plaque
20% 2nd Place Finish & Plaque
10% 3rd Place Finish & Plaque
30% Equally distributed to remaining field of participants & nameplate.
8. Ties. In the event of a tie between members for position in the points standings for the Club Championship the following tie breakers will determine position:
First Tie Breaker – Most tournament weight.
Second Tie Breaker – Largest Single Bass.
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